The FIX is in!

Call me Doug.  I have psoriasis.  Or, more accurately, I USED to have psoriasis.  I suffered, emphasis on suffered, from severe psoriasis for over 20 years.  That’s right, for those of you who have shared my fate you know what I’m talking about.  Not the run-of-the-mill plaques on the elbows or knuckles or the inconvenient (though still demoralizing) red patch on the arm or torso.  I’m talking about the 70%-80% coverage over your entire body where you “snow” everywhere you go, the itching can make you want to rip your own skin off, and pain so bad from the dry cracking and bleeding that tears stream down your face as you attempt to move as little as possible while writhing into bed.

Sorry for the graphic descriptions, but I wanted to make it clear that I HAD severe psoriasis and I KNOW how truly awful it can be.  I get it.  And now I don’t have it.  After 20 years, I am essentially psoriasis FREE.  How?  I did it naturally, without drugs.  I have my skin back.  I have my LIFE back!  I am formally educated as a physicist and spent these last 20 years searching for a solution.  I am here to tell you Western Medicine as an industry is not well acquainted with treating chronic diseases like psoriasis with natural intervention.  Frustrating.

To Western Medicine's defense, so much of this information is brand new, hot off the presses, that it takes time to feedback into the schools and the industry, and become adopted as best practices.  I wasn't willing to wait.  After a long hard journey of trying everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, I finally discovered the magic “combination lock” that turned off my psoriasis switch through Food, Immune system, and eXercise – I call it the FIX.  I want to share the FIX with you.  For free, with no strings attached.

Do you have moderate to severe psoriasis?  Are you at the end of your rope after months, years, or even decades of trying to find a solution for your psoriasis?  Wouldn’t it be great to go to the beach again in a bathing suit, or walk down the street in shorts and a short sleeve shirt without feeling embarrassment, or even full-on psycho-socio depression?  You CAN.  This site is for YOU.  There IS a FIX and we have found it! is for those people who have tried everything and don’t want their livers to fall out, develop cancer, grow a tail, or risk side effects like death!  All the creams, all the ointments, the prescriptions, the tea-tree oil, the pills, the miracle cures, and yes, even the chemotherapy.  Western medical science hasn’t been able to help.  I know, I was right there with you.  Sometimes you get a little relief but often there's little effect.  Always however, the psoriasis slowly creeps back and continues to get worse.  You tried eating healthy. (or so you thought!)  You tried losing weight and exercising.  You tried meditation and salt baths.  No matter what you try, the results, if there are any, are always temporary.

The reason is that there literally is a secret combination of things that have to be done together to be successful.  I have created a simple program for you to follow with all the knowledge and resources you will need to execute this program and become psoriasis free, naturally, forever.   This site is dedicated to explaining the program and helping you put it into action in a healthy natural way while effecting some remarkably positive health benefits you might have never thought possible like losing weight, reversing diabetes and heart disease, and even turning back the clock on your metabolic age.  That’s right.  You’ll actually get younger!  It’s a journey.  It’s a program.  We'll hold your hand and guide you step by step. If you have been racking your brain desperately trying to find a way to reverse moderate to severe psoriasis, is for you.


Doug Klotz
President & CEO