The Absolute Latest Science On How To Unclog Arteries And Reverse Heart Disease:

What causes clogged arteries and heart disease:

  • Inflammation from everything bad we put in our bodies and from bad gut flora
  • Oxidative Stress
  • Insulin resistance from too many carbs, the wrong carbs, and bad gut flora
  • Polyunsaturated oils – especially excessive Omega-6 Linoleic oil – and made DEADLY by cooking with these unstable oils which oxidize easily
  • Lectins (proteins plants use as a poison to keep animals from eating their reproductive parts, gluten is an example)

How to reverse the damage: (do this until healed, can take a year or more)

  1. Ultra-low carbs (less than 30g per day)
  2. NO lectins (grains, beans, seeds, nuts, nightshades) (you can pressure cook lectins out of food but too many carbs will still cause insulin resistance)
  3. NO polyunsaturated oils except Omega-3's (no vegetable, soybean, corn, cottonseed, canola, sunflower, safflower, sesame seed, Crisco, Wesson, oils) (and absolutely DO NOT eat foods cooked in these oils! French Fries=DEATH!)
  4. NO PROCESSED FOODS.  If it comes in a box, a bag, a can, or from the frozen food section, just SKIP IT!
  5. NO cow dairy (maybe a very little cheese or butter if it is grass fed)
  6. Goat and sheep dairy OK (no milk though.  Too much lactose sugars)
  7. LOTS of high fiber veggies and low sugar/low-sweet fruit (avocado, olive, coconut, berries) (steam veggies with olive oil.  YUM!)
  8. YES TO COD LIVER OIL! (at least 2000mg EPA & DHA per day)
  9. YES TO OLIVE OIL! (but don’t cook with it on high heat)  Mediterranean Diet followers consume a liter per week!
  10. YES TO SUPPLEMENTS: Vitamin A, C, D3, K2, CoQ10, AMPK Boosters (Gyno-stemma (Jiaogulan), Berberine, Quercetin), Polyphenols (Resveratrol, Delphinids (Maqui Berry Extract))
  11. Moderate cardio exercise at least 20 minutes every day
  12. Only eat meats from wild caught or pasture raised, humanely treated animals (nothing corn/grain fed)
  13. Eat primarily a plant based diet with some meat added (target 2/3 to 3/4 of each meal to be veggies)
  14. Pick one day each week to take a day off eating.  Just drink water, coffee, tea, and consume no more than 400 calories ideally of fiber rich/fermented veggies
  15. Eat LOTS of fermented fiber: sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, miso, tempeh, natto, ferment your own veggies. Go for organic and avoid preservatives
  16. If you must drink alcohol, only have a glass or two of red wine

There you go.  That’s how you reverse the damage from heart disease! (and lose weight, reduce inflammation, reverse premature aging, cure depression, cure diabetes, cure auto-immune disease, and prevent cancer)

Monitoring your cholesterol and your inflammation markers closely will be your guiding light in this process.  Taking a food intolerance test is highly recommended!  Wander on over to the Products Section to where we've made it easy to purchase these products from Amazon all in one place!

Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels!